Have fun with Groups.
with worlds leading simple and free eMail Group service.
Experience the ease and fun of using eMailgroups with your friends, team, class, club or colleagues. Learn more.
* With a Premium Account you can add more groups and members.
More than 480 thousand persons use eMailDodo to send eMails to their groups.

They already have sent 19.2 million eMails in 2023 and over 5.7 million eMails in 2024 so far.

Join them today.
This is what users say:
“Thank you !”
28 Mar 2024
Marilynn , North Carolina, U.S.A.
“You are a star. Thank you”
6 Mar 2024
John , Pulborough, U.K.
“This is a good a solution for our neighborhood association. Thanks.”
17 Mar 2024
Terry , France